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Thursday, April 23 @ 12:00 - 1:00 pm | Webinar

Hosts: Guilford Medical & Dental Managers + Greater Greensboro MGMA

Physician practices have turned to telehealth, live chat and chatbots to adjust to the COVID-19 pandemic new normal.  While telehealth is well understood, live chat and chatbots are relatively new. 

In this seminar, Matthew Hanis will cover:

  • How two physician practices are using Live Chat and Chatbots in their COVID-19 response

  • How these tools can be used to secure new telehealth visits and new patients now and after the pandemic

  • Privacy, security and workflow implications

  • Triage bots and symptom checkers

Hanis is founder and executive producer for Business of Healthcare,
an interview series serving 19,000 senior healthcare leaders from around the United States.